Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Too Posh To Push?

So the talk right now is of the royal baby watch. Catherine is due soon and the world is anxiously awaiting the babies arrival. I was watching a show this morning and they were discussing the due date etc. and one person made a comment that the c-section was already booked because she was too posh to push. I'm sorry but when did it become more fashionable to have a c-section scar? Why are we robbing women of the right to be a woman and pushing surgery on them? I am horrified by this new trend. I heard in the past how Hollywood women have a c-section and tummy tuck all in the same procedure. I have had 4 babies all natural and all with minimal intervention. I used nitrous oxide and demerol with my first early on in labor and then pushed without drugs. I was induced with my second but did not use pain control other than breathing, with my third there was no interventions, and my fourth as well. All four deliveries were different and yet not one time did I hear that we may have to have a c-section. I was able to deliver all my babies confidently and with the assistance of my mom and my best friend was able to have 4 very amazing birth experiences. Why would any mother want to rob themselves of the very thing that we were put here for? I am glad that not once has my support suggested that I have a cesarean section. I understand that there are certain times when it is called for and I am not disputing that it has saved lives but when it is being used as a tool to make money and supposedly make the mother more comfortable that is bs. There is a longer recovery time with surgery and a new scar to show off. Why would anyone opt for that? I would never want to rob myself of the feeling of accomplishment of pushing that baby through my birth canal. My wish is that other women be able to have this same experience. Don't rob yourself of the most primitive and amazing love a woman can feel.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grrr...or How to deal with having children and PMS at the same time.

Step one: Tie children up.
Step two: Lock them in a room.
Step three: Drink Bottle of wine.
Step four: Repeat step three.

(disclaimer: I would never and have never drank two bottles of wine while having my children tied up and locked in a room. I make sure one of them has a knife, usually the little one as the bigger one can't be trusted, so they can get free in case I pass out!)..

(extra disclaimer: Seriously do you really think I would do that?)