Mommy brain..mommy brain..what was I going to write about mommy brain...Oh makes you forget...
Which I guess is a good thing in some cases. It makes you forget where the keys are, what your kids names are, birth dates, your phone number, name, etc..but it also makes you forget other things like your life before kids, your body before kids, your boobs before kids.
I used to have a pretty nice body, before I had 4 boys, I was slender and a nice high rack and firm ass..
Not anymore, now I have stretch marks, and a wide ass, and my boobs look like a couple of deflated balloons.
Don't get me wrong I would not change it for the world, I earned every stretch mark, every extra pound and every wrinkle in my boobs. I am just grateful for the mommy brain and the fact that I can forget what it all used to be like.
I think it gets worse the more kids you have which may be why my grandma is having trouble remembering things now. She had 8 kids. I only had 4 and I can barely remember things. I know I used to have a life, I can remember parts of it, some of it was pretty crazy too, maybe that is why I like to forget it now. There are days when I can't even get out of the house because I forget why I was leaving. It is pretty bad. I gave my kids all J names so I can just start mumbling in gibberish and they all think I am talking about them. If I don't put my keys in the same place every day it is an hour of looking for them before we can leave the house. I have to make sure the baby bag is packed and at the door by my shoes so I don't forget that. I am lucky that I remember the baby half the time. Poor thing being the 4th kid he is lucky I still have a brain! I have never been one for lists I got it I know what I need, lately I need to make a list write it down on the calendar and make sure I check every day so as not to forget anything.
As I was saying I think we get mommy brain to forget, forget that we had a nice body and a life and nice things, and also what childbirth was like. If we kept all that in our brains there would not be enough room for the new memories you make of playing, and the concerts, and the games, and the smiles, and the hugs, and the I love yous. I guess mommy brain can be a good where did I put that publish button??